Welcome to MyFlagPoles.com

** Changes due to the Covid 19 Pandemic **
Unfortunately, the effects of the current pandemic are adversely affecting our manufacturing, supply, and shipping situations. Some manufacturers are still not at 100% production and demand is, regrettably, driving price changes that, often occur on a daily basis.
It is just not possible for us to do a daily update on all the items that are changing.
However, we ARE able to lock in prices and availability while on the phone with our customers.
Therefore, until the pandemic effects are overcome, we are switching to call-in orders only. You are able to view all our products but you will need to contact us to verify price and availability.
Please feel free to browse our products. When you find an item you want, give us a call so we can accurately handle your order.
We sincerely appreciate your consideration and patience during these trying times and, as always thank you so much for your support of our small business.